Course Information

The following information should answer most of the general questions you have about our programs, but please do not hesitate to contact us if you have a question whose answer is not included below.

The Program

Our program covers Theoretical and Practical instruction in the following areas:

Professional Ethics and Image

Bacteriology and Sanitation


Hair Structure, Hair and Skin Disorders

Anatomy and Physiology

Chemical Texturing

Colouring and Bleaching

Hair Cutting and Design for Men and Women

Hair and Scalp Treatments



Barbering and Shaving

Course Duration

Beauty Culture training within the Province of Alberta requires 1400 hours of instruction.  Students at Est-elle Academy are given 39 weeks, or approximately nine months, to complete this training (a student could finish in as little as 37 weeks).  Classes run from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Tuesday to Saturday.  This is a large commitment of time, so please be prepared to make the necessary sacrifices.


Est-elle Academy enrolls students five times a year (about every two months).  These classes will usually start on the first Tuesday in January, March, May, Mid August, and November.

The minimum requirements for consideration for enrollment is that every applicant must be at least 17 years of age, have completed at least grade 11 (60 to 70 credits), and possess a mature and professional attitude.  Please note that a G.E.D. will be accepted in place of high school credit.  Additionally, students whose primary language is not English and who have not taken any formal schooling in English (does not include ESL classes) must supply a TOEFL exam score with their application.

You can submit an application either by visiting our website at and filling out the online application or by using the attached paper application.  Either way you must forward a copy of your high school transcripts and three (3) reference letters to complete the application process.

Testing and Evaluations

To pass the course a student must maintain an average of  at least 75% on both their Theoretical and Practical tests and evaluations.  There are a series of written exams, including topic specific semi-final exams, and a comprehensive final exam, administered every Thursday morning.  Practical assessments are done throughout the course, culminating in a full day comprehensive practical test that mirrors the Provincial exam that all students will have to pass prior to receiving their license.  We have high expectations of our students and hold them to a standard that we believe ensures that they are ready for their Provincial exams.

Personal Image

Each student is expected to maintain a professional image at all times when at school.  This includes the way they dress, their hair and make-up, the cleanliness of their work station, as well as their general deportment and conduct with fellow students, teachers and customers.

School Handbook

For your benefit a copy of the School Handbook is here for your review.

Program Costs

The total cost of the program is as follows:

Current Fee Structure

Kit & Supplies $3,333.33
GST $166.67
Tuition $12,500.00
Total $16,000.00

Payments made in full on the first day of the program qualify for a $700.00 discount on the cost of the tuition bringing the total down to $15,300.00. 

Monthly Payment Option: 

Initial Payment on the 1st day of class - $8000.00 ($3500.00 for Kit, GST and $4500 for Tuition)

Monthly Payment for the next 8 months - $1000.00 (8 x $1000.00 = $8000.00)

Total Paid - $16,000.00

Please contact the school if you have any questions regarding fees and financing or click the Read More button to the right for information regarding the repayment of a student loan.




As you are looking at applying to go school you may also be starting to look into securing a student loan for your course.  The application for a loan is done on line at    The process is reasonably straight forward and can usually be completed in less than a hour for most people.  If you need assistance you may call the school and ask to speak to Kevin and you can schedule a time to come in and he can help you go through the process. 


Please note that this process is a very serious one and does come with obligations to you as the student.  As easy as the process seems you are entering into a binding contractual obligation with the Province of Alberta and the Government of Canada to repay any loans you receive.  A failure by you to live up to your repayment program with either or both of your loans will have serious and detrimental effects on your credit rating and your ability to secure future financing from banks, credit card, and financing companies.  Do not think that just because it comes from the government that it doesn’t carry the same weight as other financing you my engage in.  There are numerous resources available to you during your repayment process to help you if you get into trouble and these can be found at   as well as on our website at in the Alumni and FAQ section, and never be afraid to come into the office and speak with Kevin about any issues or concerns you may have about your loan.  I know it sounds a bit scary but it really comes down to just be careful about payments.  People are here to help you but you have to ask for that help, and we are for you!


When it comes time to repay your student loan you will be able to find a great deal of information online.   The first place to start is at and click the Repaying Your Loan link in the top menu bar. 

The 4 main subdivisions of this section deal with

  1. Making Payments
  2. Interest Rates
  3. Repayment Assistance   (if you run into trouble in keeping your loan current)
  4. Default Consequences


Other Helpful Links


Student Aid Alberta Service Center

Government of Canada Student Financial Assistance

Kit and Equipment

The Kit and Equipment contains all of the supplies and tools you will need to complete the course.  There are no additional charges for product usage for you in the classroom or for your work on your guests, and if you need something for the course it is included in your kit or supplied by Est-elle Academy.  There are no hidden costs for you as a student.

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